TR160 engagement ring
The holidays (a.k.a. engagement season) are upon us and naturally, we have some stunning jewelry inspiration to share, thanks to our friends at Simon G. Jewelry. Whether you’re in the market for an engagement ring or just looking for something special for this festive season, the best piece of advice is that you can’t go wrong with a company that takes a lot of pride in what they do. The people behind Simon G. are committed to giving their best, so when you pick up a ring with their name on it, you can be sure that many hours of thought, care and expertise have been put into that piece of jewelry. Let’s take look at some of those gorgeous rings…
Ring: LR1096-A, Earring: ME2102
MR2998, Band: MR2290
And if you're thinking of ways to up your ring game this festive season? Try colored gemstones...
...and stacking your rings...
...or adding a unique statement piece from their Buckle collection!

My Commitment
Okay, personal story time. Maybe it’s a big cliché but I strongly associate this time of the year with love and gratitude. This is a story that happened during the holidays almost 20 years ago and it’s about something very close to my heart -- how I came about committing to keeping a gratitude journal, a large part of which consists of being thankful for my family.
It was late 1999 and the big news in town was that a brilliant meteor shower would take place at a beach about an hour away from our home. For the first time since my dad passed away, my mom was actually excited about something. She had been in grief for the three years following the loss of her soulmate, and the angsty teenage me had spent the same amount of time being upset about the unfairness of it all – my dad’s short life and my mom’s long-drawn bereavement.
The day before the “star-gazing opportunity of the millennium”, someone sent me a link to a page that theorized the night’s light show kick-starting a chain of catastrophic events. So I was in two minds: go out with the family so that my mom can start picking up the pieces… or keep everyone at home to avoid the total chaos leading to the supposed apocalyptic end of the world. But after a nightmare-filled sleep, common sense prevailed, and it was off to the beach for us the next day.
It turned out to be one of the most memorable times I'd spent with my mom.

It was a life-changing night, and while everyone had their eyes glued to the sky, I took in the scene on the beach in awe. There was a palpable excitement in the air but there was also stardust — people from all walks of life sharing beach mats and the day’s stories as they pondered the vast expanse of space. I looked at my mom, and she was smiling with her mouth wide open as she pointed out the first glistening trail in the sky. She said softly while holding my hand, “I feel that your dad is watching this with us somewhere.”
I was flushed with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and renewed admiration for my mother’s unfaltering love for my dad. That moment something in me clicked, and I decided to never take the ones I love for granted. The day after, I committed to keeping a gratitude journal, something that I still use to this day.

Simon G. is Committed to You
Commitment is not easy. It’s a promise that you’re always going to stick to something –cause, person, thing or belief – as a way of life, and not just when the mood strikes. It takes a lot of dedication. In the same spirit, we’ve always admired brands like Simon G. that show a strong dedication to what they do. Commitment is what Simon G. stands for and it is at the heart of everything they represent. It shows in what they have to offer: experience and innovation; exquisite, high-quality jewelry that brings joy to their customers.

For those of you with an engagement on the horizon, we’re leaving you with this gem: Simon G. believes a proposal isn’t a question, it is a declaration that ‘we’re in this together.’
We can’t think of a more positive way to enter into a marriage! Over to you. What are you committed to?
Discover more stunning engagement rings and other accessories by Simon G. over at their website and Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.